John Wick 4 - Recreated

John Wick speaks German, French, Japanese, Russian so why not a couple of Indian languages too?

In a parallel universe -- John Wick's fight sequence on his way to the dual combat at the church.....

John shoots, fights, kills, gets in the car, breaks car door, windshield, drives fast through Paris ..

Amateur rogues shooting at him. A Karnataka traffic cop pulls up near John's car.

"License and registration please", says the cop.

"Dude, people are shooting at me", shouts John.

"Not my problem. License?"

John produces a license. "Not for the gun! Your driving license!" shouts the cop.

John stares. 

"500 for absence of license. 800 for driving on the wrong side of the road". John shields himself. Cop yells, "Cease Fire!". Everyone stops shooting at John.  

Cop continues, "1000 for driving over the speed limit. 500 for not wearing seat belt."

Cop takes a pencil and a notebook from pocket to bill it. John looks at the pencil, then at the cop.

Cop looks at John and says, "Naah, don't even think about it."

John smirks, "I don't have a car door and you are charging me for not wearing seat belt?" 

Cop shakes his head, "Not my jurisdiction. Although, 800 for no windshield. Pay up"

John Pays.. Cop vanishes.. 

More killing.. More shooting at Arc de Triomphe.. A busy but beautiful road unfortunately shot after nightfall..

Dog helps John. 

Mr Nobody helps John. 

John fights to his freedom. Crashes a lot of cars.

Cops interjects, "Am I a joke to you! Pay up!"

John sighs and pays.. John grabs a motorbike.. 

Fight fight fight..

Shoot shoot shoot...

Wheeling in front of a funny looking building! Whoa! Hot Keanu Reeves! 

Shoot, fight, punch, kill...

Cop drives up in front of John showing off in bike, "Enna ra, wheeling eh? You think you can do anything you want just because you are handsome?"

"Dude I was on a winning streak!", says John irritably.

"You wish! Word on the street (literally) is, the dog is killing more people than you do", grins Cop.

John with a serious face and a more serious tone, "Doggy ka naam mat lena".

Cop rolls his eyes, "Aah! Seri seri. Chillax. 2000 for wheeling here. And by the way, that's Hindi!"

John takes out his wallet and pays.

More shooting. More fighting. Saves the dog. Doesn't kill Mr Nobody.

Crosses the road to the Sisyphean stairwell. More fights. More killing. Gets thrown down the stairs a couple of times. 

Caine helps. 

Mr Nobody helps.

Dog helps!

Caine and John reach the top of the stairwell to go for the dual combat.

Caine to John, "You owe me, John."

Cop waiting at the top of the stairwell to Caine, "Take a number bro".

John exhausted, tired and with broken ribs, "You have got to be kidding me!"

Cop says, "Nope, you crossed the road but not at the zebra crossing. Pay up!"

John hands him his wallet altogether. Gets into dual combat. Gets shot at. 

Then kills the confused French guy whose title sounds like a Thailand dish and dresses a bit like British.

Old man in white beard delivers his dialogue in bad English, "My business here now is concluded".

John turns to Winston, "Take me home, Winston."

Cop gestures Winston to take a step back and smiles to John, "Baby ma, I take you home". John looks quizzical. Cop says sarcastically, "Save your words. I am hoping to be rich by the time you reach home."

John and cop drives off into the sunrise. The end!
