My toe to a smashed potato
This is about my ordeal of how my toe turned into a smashed potato! This blog is not for the light-hearted people and evidently I myself am one among those, so go ahead and read it anyway. For those of you who know me, I have a very vivid imagination so by means of this blog I will paint you a picture of how this exactly took place and then you can decide how funny my pain is to you. On a heavy-traffic-Wednesday morning, I was standing in the bus stop where the traffic had come to a stand still. I saw a bus trying to maneuver through two barricades that were tied together, and told my sister-in-law that we should move away from the curb to avoid getting our faces smashed when the bus driver succeeds to literally drive in between the two barricades, which he eventually did (Yeah I have a final-destination-level-imaginative brain). Before any of you think, "Hey this is a blessing in disguise! At least you didn't get your face smashed!", I object to that superstitious logi...